A Letter to the Weary Woman: Read This.

Dear woman reading this,

I see you.

Not just the put-together version of you that the world sees, the one who smiles and says, “I’m good” even when you’re drowning. I see the real you. The one who’s staring at a pile of unpaid bills, wondering how in the world you’re going to make it through the month. The one who’s lying in bed next to a man who barely speaks to you anymore, feeling lonelier in your relationship than you did when you were single. The one who loves her kids more than life itself but feels like all she does is yell, beg, and repeat herself just to be ignored.

I see you because I am you. I’ve sat in that same suffocating space, feeling like I’m failing at everything. Like no matter how hard I try, it’s never enough. The exhaustion, the frustration, the feeling of just wanting a break- not just a break in your schedule, but a break from the heaviness of it all.

And in the middle of it, the enemy whispers:
"You’re not good enough."
"You’ll never get ahead."
"You’ll always struggle."
"No one sees how hard you’re trying."

But let me tell you the truth, even if it’s hard to believe right now:
You are not broken. You are tired. You are overwhelmed. You are carrying more than one person should have to carry.

And I know what you’re thinking—"But what if I don’t have a choice? What if I have to keep it all together? What if I don’t have the luxury of falling apart?"

I get it.

But listen to me- you are not meant to carry all of this alone.

I know it feels like you have to. That if you drop even one thing, the whole house of cards will collapse. But God never asked you to handle everything on your own. In fact, He asks us to do the opposite.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28)

He sees the overdrafted account. He sees the marriage that feels more like a roommate situation than a love story. He sees the way you pour into your children, even when they push you away. He sees your heart breaking over and over, and He has not forgotten you.

You don’t have to have all the answers. You don’t have to be perfect. You don’t have to pretend you’re fine when you’re not.

All you have to do is keep breathing. Keep moving forward. Keep trusting that even when you don’t see a way out, God is making one.

And I promise you, this won’t last forever.

The bills will get paid. The heaviness will lift. The love in your relationship can be restored. The hard moments with your kids won’t define you as a mother. You are not failing. You are not broken beyond repair. You are not alone.

You are loved. You are seen. And you are going to make it through this.

One breath at a time.
One step at a time.
One prayer at a time.

With love,
A Woman Who’s Been There


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