The Beauty of Second Chances Through Christ
I remember the sound of the metal door slamming behind me. Cold concrete walls, a thin mat on a steel bunk bed, and the weight of every mistake I’d ever made pressing down on me like a sentence I couldn’t escape. I wasn’t just in jail, I was trapped in my own choices, my own destruction. The drugs, the running, the nights I couldn’t remember, the pain I was trying to numb, it had all led me here. And for the first time in a long time, I had nowhere to run. It was almost blissful. In the craziest way, I was finally able to relax in those moments. I found a simple type of solace after my arrest.
I was facing prison. Not just a few months, but real time. The kind of time that would take away the rest of my sons childhoods. I sat there in that cell, replaying every decision that had led me there. The courtroom, the judge’s words, the realization that I might not get out. It wasn’t just about losing my freedom. It was knowing I’d wasted every second chance I’d ever been given. People had tried to help me. God had tried to reach me. And I had turned away every time.
But this time was different.
This time, I had nothing left but the silence, the regret. I was in cell 405 when I cried out to God for the first time, thinking about how there was no way someone like me could ever come back from this.
But God heard, and He had other plans.
When You Think It's Over, God Says It's Not
I used to believe second chances were for people who messed up a little, not for people like me—people who had burned every bridge, lost every battle, and ruined every good thing. But God doesn’t work like we do. He doesn’t look at our rap sheet and decide we’re too much of a risk. He doesn’t shake His head and walk away. He sees past the brokenness, past the bad choices, past the dirt and destruction. He sees who He created us to be, not just who we became in our sin.
Sitting in that jail cell, I finally let Him in. I didn’t say some perfect prayer. I didn’t even know what to say. I just whispered, “Help me please, God.”
That was the moment everything changed.
Not in an instant. Not with flashing lights or an overnight miracle. But something in me shifted. The weight I had carried for years, the shame, the self-hate, it didn’t disappear, but it loosened its grip.
A Second Chance I Didn’t Deserve
By the grace of God, I didn’t go to prison. I should have. But instead, I was given another chance. A judge saw something in me that I couldn’t see in myself. He gave me an opportunity to do things differently. And this time, I wasn’t going to waste it. The same day I whispered that prayer in tears, hiding my shame from the other women in my cell, was the same day I was told to pack up- that I was headed to a christian rehab, I was just happy to get out…not fully understanding still.
Recovery wasn’t easy. There were moments I wanted to give up, moments I questioned if I was strong enough. But every time I felt like I couldn’t make it, God reminded me I wasn’t doing this alone. He had pulled me out of the pit, but I had to choose to walk with Him. I packed my bags so many times. I spent so many nights scrolling down on messenger, just looking to message someone that I knew could get me into some fun (trouble).
I look back now and see the fingerprints of grace all over my story. I see how God used even my worst moments to bring me to Him. I see how He took the girl who was a lost cause and turned her into someone who helps others find their way back.
Even now, at almost two years sober, I don’t deserve half of what I have. I am so humbled today for all that God has done in my life. I am so grateful for his Grace.
Your Second Chance is Waiting
If you think you’re too far gone, you’re not. If you think you’ve wasted every opportunity, God is still offering you another one. He doesn’t give up on His children. He doesn’t walk away. He meets us in the jail cells, in the broken places, in the moments where we’ve got nothing left.
And He does what only He can, He restores, redeems, and makes us new.
I’m living proof that no matter how far you’ve fallen, God can lift you back up. I’m not who I used to be, and that’s only because of Jesus. He gave me a second chance when I didn’t deserve it.
And He’s ready to do the same for you.